The Importance of Proper Orifice Sizing
and Proper Calibration
The uncertainty and error caused by low differential recordings on chart
or electronic flow meters is depicted in the following chart and table. One
can see error and uncertainty increases exponentially with lower
differential recordings. The data below assumes an error of plus or minus
1/10th (0.1) of 1 inch water column pressure. The data suggests differential
recordings should be kept above 20 inches in order to maintain an
"interpretation" error of less than ¼ of one percent, even with an
electronic flow meter where the transducer error is 1/10th (0.1) of 1 inch
water column pressure. When you apply this to a chart the uncertainty is
multiplied several times. When a chart record is produced there is
calibration and chart paper error, and again more error when the chart
integrator operator attempts to interpret the recorded line. It is best to
stay away from the lower range of a meter by properly sizing the orifice